28. Creating a conference around the website
If your website takes off and becomes an authority on its niche, you could create a conference around it. Depending on the size of your audience, the event could attract thousands of people, and you could make money directly from conference passes and sponsors.
Search Engine Land, for instance, created a series of conferences that visit several cities on the United States and on other countries as well. The conferences are called Search Marketing Expo, and the tickets and passes cost thousands of dollars
Serch For Your Favorites
Thursday, 1 May 2008
28. Creating a conference around the website
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27. Mentoring programs
27. Mentoring programs
People are willing to pay for someone or something that will teach them and give them knowledge (as opposed to mere information). Education is one of the biggest industries in the world, and the online landscape behaves in a similar way.
Creating a mentoring program related to the niche of your website could be very profitable if you manage to structure and promote it adequately. There is a wide range of media and tools that you can use to deliver the information, from text articles to audio and video lessons.
Brian Clark leveraged the success of Copyblogger to launch a mentoring program teaching people how to build membership and how to sell content online. The program is titled Teaching Sells, and it costs $97 monthly. Sounds expensive, but they have over 1,000 members.
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26. Creating an Email List or Newsletter
26. Creating an Email List or Newsletter
Email lists and newsletters represent one of the most powerful marketing and money making tools on the Internet. They offer incredible conversion rates, and the possibility to call people to action in a very efficient way.
Creating a big list is a difficult task though, so if you have a popular website you could leverage it to increase the number of subscribers on your list.
Yaro Starak is a famous Internet marketer, and if you visit his blog you will notice that right on top he has a section encouraging visitors to subscribe to his email newsletter. Yaro generates five figures in revenues each month from his email newsletters, proving that this method works.
List of software to manage email newsletters:
SendStudio NX
PHP Autoresponder
Constant Contact
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25. Offering Consulting and Related Services
25. Offering Consulting and Related Services
Depending on your niche, you could make money by offering consulting and related services. If you are also the author of your blog, the articles and information that you will share will build your profile and possibly certify your expertise on that niche, making it easier to gain customers.
Chris Garrett used a similar strategy. First he created a highly influential blog on the blogging and new media niche, and afterwards he started offering consulting services to clients with related problems and needs.
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24. Selling Templates or WordPress Themes
24. Selling Templates or WordPress Themes
As more and more people decide to get an online presence, website templates and WordPress themes become hotter and hotter.
On this segment you have mainstream websites like TemplateMonster, as well as individual designers who decide to promote and sell their work independently.
Brian Gardner and Unique Blog Designs are two examples of websites that make money with the sales of premium and custom WordPress themes.
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23. Selling a Hardcover Book
23. Selling a Hardcover Book
Many authors and journalists leverage their blogs or websites to sell copies of hardcover books. Examples include Guy Kawasaki, Seth Godin and Malcolm Gladwell.
While most of these people were already renowned authors before they created their website, one could also follow the other way around. Lorelle VanFossen did exactly that with her Blogging Tips book. First she built her authority on the subject via her blog, and afterwards she published the book.
List of self publishing and publishing services:
Self Publishing
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22. Selling an Ebook
22. Selling an Ebook
Perhaps one of the oldest money making strategies on the web, using a website to promote a related ebook is a very efficient way to generate revenue.
You could either structure the website around the book itself, like SEOBook.com, or launch the ebook based on the success of the website, like FreelanceSwitch did we the book How to be a Rockstar Freelancer.
Related links:
Writing an ebook for your blog
How to sell ebooks
Processing payments for your ebook
How to sell digital products online
List of ebook selling software
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21. Selling the Website
21. Selling the Website
Selling your website could be your last resource, but it has the potential to generate a big sum of money in a short period of time.
Market places on online forums like DigitalPoint and Sitepoint are always active with website buyers and sellers. Keep in mind that they most used parameter to determine the value of a website is the monthly revenue that it generates, multiplied by a certain number (the multiplier can be anything from 5 to 30, depending on the expectations of the seller, on the quality of the site, on the niche and other factors).
Some people also make money trading and flipping websites. They either create them from scratch or buy existing ones, and after some revamping they sell them for a profit.
Related links:
How To Buy A Website And Flip It For Profit
How To Sell A Website - How Much Is Your Website Worth?
Where to sell a website? How to go about selling it?
Indirect Methods
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20. Audio Ads
20. Audio Ads
Also called PPP (Pay Per Play), this advertising method was introduce by Net Audio Ads. the concept is pretty simple: play a small audio advertising (usually 5 seconds) every time a visitor enters into your website. The user should not be able to stop it, creating a 100% conversion rate based on unique visitors.
The company is still rolling tests, but some users are reporting to get from a $4 to a $6 CPM. Regardless of the pay rate, though, this is a very intrusive form of advertising, so think twice before using it.
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19. Pop-ups and Pop-unders
19. Pop-ups and Pop-unders
Pop-ups are a common yet annoying form of advertising on the Internet. If you are just trying to make a much money as possible from your website, you could experiment with them.
If you are trying to grow the traffic and generate loyal visitors, however, you probably should stay away from them. Just consider the hundreds of pop-up blockers out there: there is a reason why they are so popular.
Ad networks that use pop-ups:
Tribal Fusion
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18. In-text Adverting
18. In-text Adverting
In-text adverting networks like Kontera and Vibrant Media will place sponsored links inside your text. These links come with a double underline to differentiate them from normal links, and once the user rolls the mouse over the link the advertising will pop. Should the user click on it the site owner will make some money.
Some people make good money with this method, but others refrain from using it due to its intrusiveness. It is also interesting to note that very few mainstream websites have experimented with in-text advertising.
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17. Donations
17. Donations
Placing a “Donate” link or button on a website can be an efficient way to earn money, especially if your blog is on a niche where readers learn and gain value from your content.
Personal development and productivity blogs, for instance, tend to perform well with donation based systems (one good example being Steve Pavlina).
A small variation of this method appeared sometime ago with the Buy Me a Beer plugin. This WordPress plugin enables you to insert a customized message at the bottom of each article, asking the readers to chip in for a beer or coffee.
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15. Selling or Renting Internal Pages
15. Selling or Renting Internal Pages
Million Dollar Wiki made this concept popular, but it was being used on the web for a long time around (check Pagerank10.co.uk for instance).
These websites sell for a single fee or rent for a recurring fee internal pages on their domain. Usually they have either high Pagerak or high traffic, so that people purchasing a page will be able to benefit in some way.
Implementing this method on a small blog would be difficult, but the concept is interesting and could be explored further.
16. Highlighted Posts from Sponsors
Techmeme probably pioneered this idea, but somehow it has not spread to other websites. The tech news aggregator displays editorial posts on the left column, and on the sidebar they have a section titled “Techmeme Sponsor Posts.”
On that section posts from the blog of the advertisers get highlighted, sending qualified traffic their way. Considering that the monthly cost for one spot is $5000 and that they have around 6 sponsors at any given time, it must be working well.
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14. Paid Surveys and Polls
14. Paid Surveys and Polls
There are services that will pay you money to run a small survey or poll on your website. The most popular one is called Vizu Answers.
Basically you need to sign up with them, and select the kind of polls that you want to run your site. Most of these services operate under a CPM model.
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13. Marketplaces
13. Marketplaces
Sitepoint is the online marketplace by excellence. Some websites and blogs, however, are trying to replicate that model on a smaller scale.
Depending on your niche, a market place that allows your visitors to buy, sell and trade products could work well. Over the time you could start charging a small fee for new product listings.
The problem with this method is that there are no standard software on the web, so you would need to hire a coder to get a marketplace integrated into your website.
You can see an example of a marketplaces being used on EasyWordpress and on Mashable.
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12. Job Boards
12. Job Boards
All the popular blogs are trying to leverage job boards to make some extra income. Guy Kawasaki, ReadWriteWeb, Problogger… you name it.
Needless to say that in order to create an active and profitable job board you need first to have a blog focused on a specific niche, and a decent amount traffic.
The advantage of this method is that it is passive. Once you have the structure in place, the job listings will come naturally, and you can charge anywhere from $10 up to $100 for each.
List of popular job board software:
Web Scribe Job Board
SimplyHired Job-o-matic
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11. Private Forums
11. Private Forums
While the Internet is populated with free forums, there is also the possibility to create a private one where members need to pay a single or recurring fee to join.SEO Blackhat charges $100 monthly from its members, and they have thousands of them. Obviously in order to charge such a price for a forum membership you need to provide real value for the members (e.g., secret techniques, tools, and so on).
Performancing also launched a private forum recently, focused on the networking aspect. It is called The Hive, and the monthly cost is $10.
These are just two examples. There are many possibilities to create a private and profitable forum, you just need to find an appealing angle that will make it worth for the members.
List of popular forum software:
Simple Machines Forum
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10.Premium Content
10.Premium Content
Some websites and blogs give away part of their content for free, and charge for access to the premium content and exclusive tools.
SEOMoz is a good example. They have a very popular blog that gives advice and information on wide range of SEO related topics. On top of that visitors can decide to become premium members. It costs $48 monthly and it grants them access to guides, tools and other exclusive material.
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9. Sponsors for Single Columns or Events
9. Sponsors for Single Columns or Events
If you website has specific columns or events (e.g., a weekly podcast, an interview series, a monthly survey, a special project) you could find companies to sponsor them individually.
This method increases the monetization options for website owner, while giving advertisers the possibility to target a more specific audience and with a reduced commitment.
Mashable illustrates the case well. They have several advertising options on the site, including the possibility to sponsor specific columns and articles, including the “Daily Poll” and the “Web 2.0 Invites.”
Problogger also runs group writing projects occasionally, and before proceeding he publicly announce the project asking for sponsors.
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8. RSS Feed Ads
8. RSS Feed Ads
With the quick adoption of the RSS technology by millions of Internet users, website owners are starting to find ways to monetize this new content distribution channel.
Feedburber already has its own publisher network, and you can sign-up to start displaying CPM based advertising on your feed footer. Bidvertiser recently introduced a RSS feed ad option as well, with a PPC scheme.
Finally, some blogs are also opting to sell banners or sponsored messages on their feed directly. John Chow and Marketing Pilgrim are two examples.
Related links:
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7. Sponsored Reviews
7. Sponsored Reviews
PayPerPost pioneered this model, with much controversy on the beginning (related to the fact that they did not require disclosure on paid posts). Soon other companies followed, most notably Sponsored Reviews and ReviewMe, refining the process and expanding the paid blogging model.
Joining one of these sponsored reviews marketplaces will give you the opportunity to write sponsored posts on a wide range of topics. Not all bloggers are willing to get paid to write about a specific product or website (because it might compromise the editorial credibility), but the ones who do are making good money out of it.
If your blog has a big audience you could also offer sponsored reviews directly, cutting off the commissions of the middleman.
List of sponsored reviews and paid blogging networks:
Sponsored Reviews
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6. Monetization Widgets
6. Monetization Widgets
The latest trend on the web are widgets that let you monetize your website. Examples include Widgetbucks and SmartLinks. Some of these services operate under a PPC scheme, others behave like text link ads, others yet leverage affiliate links.
Their main differentiator, however, is the fact that they work as web widgets, making it easier for the user to plug and play the service on its website.
List of companies that provide monetization widgets:
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5. Affiliate Marketing
5. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a very popular practice on the Internet. Under this system you have a merchant that is willing to let other people (the affiliates) sell directly or indirectly its products and services, in exchange for a commission. Sometimes this type of advertising is also called CPA (cost per action) or CPL (cost per lead) based.
Affiliates can send potential customers to the merchant using several tools, from banners to text links and product reviews.
In order to find suitable affiliate programs you can turn to individual companies and publishers like Dreamhost and SEOBook, or join affiliate marketplaces and networks.
List of popular affiliate marketplaces and networks:
Commission Junction
Azoogle Ads
Link Share
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4. Text Link Ads
4. Text Link Ads
After Google declared that sites selling text links without the nofollow tag would be penalized, this monetization method became less popular.
Many website owners are still using text links to monetize their sites, though, some using the nofollow tag and some not.
The advantage of this method is that it is not intrusive. One can sell text links directly through his website or use specialized networks like Text-Link-Ads and Text-Link-Brokers to automate the process.
Text link marketplaces and networks:
DigitalPoint Link Sales Forum
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3. Direct Banner Advertising
3. Direct Banner Advertising
Selling your own advertising space is one of the most lucrative monetization methods. First and foremost because it enables you to cut out the middleman commissions and to determine your own rates. The most popular banner formats on the web are the 728×90 leaderboard, the 120×600 skyscraper, the 300×250 rectangle and the 125×125 button.
The downside of direct banner advertising is that you need to have a big audience to get qualified advertisers, and you will need to spend time managing the sales process, the banners and the payments.
Related links:
How to Find Advertisers for Your Website
Finding Advertisers for Your Blog
Direct Advertising Sales for Beginners
Openads Ad Server
OIO Publisher Ad Platform
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2. CPM Advertising Networks
2. CPM Advertising Networks
CPM advertising networks behave pretty much as PPC networks, except that you get paid according to the number of impressions (i.e., page views) that the ads displayed on your site will generate. CPM stands for Cost per Mille, and it refers to the cost for 1,000 impressions.
A blog that generates 100,000 page views monthly displaying an advertising banner with a $1 CPM, therefore, will earn $100 monthly.
CPM rates vary with the network, the position of the ad and the format. The better the network, the higher the CPM rate (because they have access to more advertisers). The closer you put the ad to the top of the page, the higher the CPM. The bigger the format (in terms of pixels), the higher the CPM.
You can get as low as $0,10 and as high as $10 per 1,000 impressions (more in some special cases). CPM advertising tends to work well on websites with a high page views per visitor ratio (e.g., online forums, magazines and so on).
List of popular CPM advertising networks:
Casale Media
Burst Media
Value Click
Tribal Fusion
Right Media
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28 Ways to Make Money with Your Website
1. PPC Advertising Networks
Google AdSense is the most popular option under this category, but there are also others. Basically you need to sign up with the network and paste some code snippets on your website. The network will then serve contextual ads (either text or images) relevant to your website, and you will earn a certain amount of money for every click.
The profitability of PPC advertising depends on the general traffic levels of the website and, most importantly, on the click-through rate (CTR) and cost per click (CPC). The CTR depends on the design of the website. Ads placed abode the fold or blended with content, for instance, tend to get higher CTRs. The CPC, on the other hand, depends on the nice of the website. Mortgages, financial products and college education are examples of profitable niches (clicks worth a couple of dollars are not rare), while tech-related topics tend to receive a smaller CPC (sometimes as low as a couple of cents per click).
The source of the traffic can also affect the overall CTR rate. Organic traffic (the one that comes from search engines) tends to perform well because these visitors were already looking for something, and they tend to click on ads more often. Social media traffic, on the other hand, presents terribly low CTRs because these visitors are tech-savvy and they just ignore ads.
List of popular CPC advertising networks:
Google Adsense
Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN)
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Make Money Online Fast
Make Money Online Fast
What every successful Internet business has in common... and how it will help YOU make money online -- fast!
The most successful Internet businesses -- no matter how they get started -- have one thing in common:
A market who's clamoring for what they have to offer.
It all boils down to this: find a market BEFORE you find a product, and base your business around that.
That's also KEY to your ability to make money online -- FAST!
In a minute I will give you three excellent quick ways to make money online, but first, here's what you need to know to earn an online income -- at "warp speed"! (Well, at least a LOT faster ;-)
Find a tight group of people who share a common problem. People usually come online searching for a solution to a problem. So your job is to find a group related to your area of interest, and figure out what you can offer them that will solve their problems!
Check out the competition to see if a solution is already available. Once you know what you'll offer them, make sure that it's NOT already being supplied by the competition -- or worse, being provided for free!
Make sure you can sell the product easily over the Internet. If you can't reach your market online, you won't be able to deliver them your solution -- no matter how good it is!
Once you've found your niche market and decided on the types of products that will deliver your market exactly what they're looking for, prepare to start padding your wallet.
As promised, here are 3 excellent ways to make money online -- fast!
Join an affiliate program. Promoting another company's product or service is hands-down one of the best free ways to make money online, fast. Read more about making money with affiliate programs.
Purchase the rights to an existing product. The amount you can earn depends on the type of right you purchase: resale, reprint, or master licenses. Learn more ways to make money online selling information with resell rights.
Earn money displaying Google AdSense ads on your site. This is really one of the easiest quick ways to make money online. You just sign up with Google AdSense (http://adsense.google.com), and START earning money whenever one of your site visitors clicks on an ad. Learn how to make money online with Google AdSense.
Whichever of these three quick ways to make money online you decide to use, you'll be able to earn money at a much FASTER rate if you find an eager market first!
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Make Money Online with eBay
Make Money Online with eBay
Want to make money online with eBay? Know your profit margins!
If you want to make money online with eBay, understanding your profit margins is crucial.
It's important to know roughly how much your items will sell for so you can work out how much you can afford to spend on buying stock and listing items -- and still make a profit!
Luckily, figuring this out boils down to a simple formula:
(Item Final Selling Price + Shipping and Handling Fee) - (Item Purchase Cost + eBay Listing Fees + eBay Final Value Fees + PayPal or Credit Card Fees + Shipping Costs) = Profit
Let's say you list a picture frame you bought for $2 at a garage sale with a starting price of $0.99 and a gallery picture (listing fees: $0.65). You then sell it for $10 plus $5 for shipping, incurring an eBay final value fee of $0.53 and PayPal Premier Account fees of $0.75. Let’s say it cost $3.80 to actually mail it in a bubble wrap envelope that cost you $0.20.
So your profit margin is: ($10 + $5) - ($2 + $0.65 + $0.53 + $0.75 + $4) = $7.07.
As you can see, there are a lot of factors involved in working out your final profit on a sale.
Now that you know how to figure out the profit margins of a particular item, it's time to decide on a pricing strategy. Will you sell high volumes of items with slim profit margins or fewer high-profit items?
Here are some tips on how to make money online with eBay using both pricing strategies:
Sell high volumes of items with a low profit margin. It is possible to make money online with eBay using this strategy -- provided you sell enough items! The key to your success will be having good, reliable suppliers and a method for staying on top of all the extra work involved in listing lots of auctions and shipping lots of items.
Sell fewer items with a high profit margin. Selling high-priced items generally means you need to sell fewer of them to make money.
But selling high-priced items on eBay can be more difficult than selling items of lower value. For one thing, there's often a smaller market for high-priced items. And, you need to work harder to establish your credibility as a seller since very few people will pay a high price for an item from an untrustworthy source.
Once you figure out your profit margins and pricing strategies, you'll be able to source products with confidence and enjoy fatter profit margins as you make money online with eBay!
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Discover the top 3 FREE ways to make money online!
Free Ways to Make Money Online
Discover the top 3 FREE ways to make money online!
Looking for free ways to make money online?
Consider one (or ALL!) of our top 3 recommendations:
Promote other people's products and services for a commission. If you don't have a product or service of your own to sell, joining an affiliate program is one of the best free easy ways to make money online. All you have to do is sign up for a (free) program that offers a product you'd like to sell. Use their free marketing materials to promote their product on your website. Then earn a commission whenever someone you refer to their website buys one of their products. There are an almost limitless number of affiliate programs to choose from and therefore all kinds of free work-at-home jobs to make money online. Free affiliate programs offer drastically different commissions, payout schedules, and a host of other factors that can affect your earning potential.
Sell advertising space on your website. Selling advertising space on your website with Google AdSense is one of the quickest free easy ways to make money online.Once your site's been approved for the program, Google will begin displaying their advertisers' text ads on your site. Whenever one of your site visitors clicks on one, you earn a small fee. Get free tips on making money online with Google AdSense.
Create your OWN free ways to make money online! The above two methods for generating an online income without investing money are quick and easy. However, there is a definite ceiling on how much you can earn with them. So while these two free work-at-home jobs to make money online are great ways to get started, if you want to generate an online income that'll keep you flush for years to come, you'll probably need to think beyond them. So... consider mining your own interests, skills, and talents to create your own free online business opportunity selling information -- and keep most of the profits!What information do you have access to that other people would be willing to pay for? Once you've figured that out, package that information into an eBook or a members-only website.
As you can see, it IS possible to find FREE ways to make money online that you can immediately put to work for you. In the Internet world, start-up capital is NOT usually the make-or-break factor for your success with an online business... but the amount of time and effort you're willing to invest in its success IS!
If you'd like to skip the learning curve involved in creating your own wildly profitable online business, check out our best-selling "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet" course.
Packed with the hottest-performing tips and strategies exhaustively tested by the IMC team of experts, you'll learn the same system we used to generate over $60 million in online sales!
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Work-at-Home Business Idea to Make Money Online
Work-at-Home Business Idea to Make Money Online
Looking for a work-at-home business idea to make money online? Sell a highly profitable eBook!
If you're looking for a viable work-at-home business idea to make money online, consider creating and selling an eBook.
Information, especially packaged into an eBook, is hands-down the most PROFITABLE thing you can sell online.
Here's why:
eBooks are free to reproduce and deliver -- so you keep most of the profits! Because it costs nothing to stock, package, or ship eBooks, the profit margins are extremely high!
eBooks can be delivered automatically, so you can sell them around the clock -- without lifting a finger!
eBooks can be delivered instantly -- capturing the attention of impulse buyers and people looking for an immediate solution to their problems
You don't need to stock, package, or ship anything -- so you can work at home to make money on the Internet without invading your home with inventory
The other reason eBooks can be so profitable is because most people come online looking for information and solutions to their problems!
All you have to do is provide the exact information your market is looking for in your eBook. (Just make sure the information is valuable and not found for free elsewhere!)
As you can see, selling an eBook is an ideal work-at-home business idea to make money online.
For those of you who'd rather eat worms than write a single paragraph, relax!
You have plenty of options that don't involve any writing at all:
Hire someone to write an eBook for you. You can find inexpensive rates at sites like Elance.com, where writers bid low to win contracts.
Compile and package expert information. You could compile a list of articles from industry experts, with their permission. Or you could interview them yourself. Or you can even list hard-to-come-by resources.
Of course, before you're able to start enjoying the increased profits and hassle-free sales eBooks can give you, you'll have to put in the time and money needed to develop it. But the benefits far outweigh the costs.
If you'd like to learn more about whether eBooks are your ideal work-at-home business idea to make money online, and to find a ton of other ideas for making money online with a home-based business, check out our best-selling Internet marketing course.
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Business Ideas to Make Money Online
Business Ideas to Make Money Online
Business ideas to make money online --that won't cost you a penny!
Looking for some business ideas to make money online?
There are a TON of ways you can generate an online income. And the best part is, you can do most of them without investing a lot of money up-front.
To get you started, here are some free ideas to make money online:
Build your own website! If you're willing to do the work yourself, you can build a simple website for free in a matter of days. Look for free website templates, and modify them using free HTML editors like Nvu.com. You might also consider starting a blog. You can sign up to use free blogging software like Blogger.com, and be writing your first post in minutes!
Sell advertising on your site. By signing up with programs like Google AdSense, you can earn money by displaying other companies' ads on your website. Every time one of your site visitors clicks on an ad, you earn a small fee.
Start an eBay business. Registering with eBay is absolutely free, and it's a great way to get products and services in front of a massive audience, without building a website. If you don't have a product or service to sell, start by listing things you have lying around your house. (To learn more about eBay, click here.)
Create a members-only website. Consider leveraging your talents and expertise by setting up a "members-only" website. Fill it with valuable information that people are willing to pay for -- then sell access to it for set intervals of time (e.g., monthly, quarterly, or yearly). This is a highly profitable way to make money online because you create a steady stream of recurring revenue!
As you can see, you don't need to have a lot of money to start an Internet business. Once you start generating some revenue from these business ideas to make money online, you can reinvest some of it to grow your business even further (though you may not even need to!).
For more business ideas to make money online, check out our free "Marketing Tips" newsletter archive. You'll find a TON of free ideas to make money online!
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Can you make money online with affiliate programs?
Free Tips On Making Money Online
Can you make money online with affiliate programs? You bet!
Read on to get some free tips to making money online with affiliate programs...
First off, there are basically two ways you can make money online with affiliate programs:
Join another company's affiliate program. When you sign up for another company's affiliate program, you promote their products or services on your website. Whenever someone clicks through from your website to theirs and buys something, you earn a referral fee.
Start your own affiliate program. If you already sell a product or service on your website, you can start your own affiliate program. You get other people to promote YOUR products. Whenever someone they've referred makes a sale, YOU pay them a commission.
Here are some online affiliate program money-making tips for joining another company's program:
Promote only quality products or services. Ask yourself if you would personally use the products you're recommending. You'll be able to sell more convincingly AND your customers will come to trust you.
Fill your site with keyword-rich content. If you want to make money online with affiliate programs -- and lots of it -- you need to attract lots of targeted traffic. The more people you can refer, the more sales will be generated, and the more money you'll earn. You'll also give your customers a compelling reason to return to your site.
Now, let's look at some free tips to making money online with affiliate programs promoting your own products:
Offer a generous commission. You'll attract more affiliates and motivate them to work harder for you if you pay out a decent commission. Don't be afraid to give out up to 50% of your product price. You'll benefit from increased traffic and sales from sources you don't have access to. PLUS, you get to keep 100% of the profits from any subsequent purchases those customers make from you.
Use tracking software. Invest in affiliate tracking software like AssocTrac that will manage all your affiliate chores -- automatically. As your affiliate program grows, you can end up spending all your time keeping track of affiliate sales, commissions, and payouts!
Offer your affiliates free resources. Help your affiliates help you by giving them banners, text ads, or informative articles about your products and services. Your affiliates will be more effective, and both you and your affiliates will benefit from it.
It is definitely possible to make money online with affiliate programs -- whether you join someone else's program or start your own.
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Free Tips On Making Money Online
Free Tips On Making Money Online
The critical first step to making money with an online business
There are many reliable ways to make money online.
You can earn money by displaying ads on your website. You can earn affiliate commissions by promoting other people's products. You can use drop-shippers to sell name-brand products on your website. Or you can develop and sell a product of your own.
Making money with an online business is possible using any of these methods. But for any of them to be lucrative, there's something you NEED to do first: find a viable niche market -- BEFORE you invest time and money promoting a product nobody wants!
To make sure you're on the right track, here are some general guidelines that are absolutely crucial to making money with an online business:
Make sure you're targeting a well-defined, narrow niche. The most accessible markets on the Web are highly focused. Let's say, for example, you want to sell all-natural vitamins online. If you try to target "everyone who takes vitamins," you'll have to compete with giant vitamin companies. But if you establish your niche market as "people who are allergic to artificial colors and flavors in vitamins," you won't have to!
Make sure your market has a problem and is seeking a solution for it. Don't try to give your market something YOU think they need; give them something THEY think they need -- a solution to a problem they're actively searching for. (You can use keyword research to help you discover those problems.)
Make sure your market is willing to pay for a solution to their problem. If your market won't pay money for a product or service that solves their problem, your business isn't going to generate much of a profit! Find out how much they're willing to spend for a solution, and make sure that you can sell your product or service at that price and still generate a profit.
Make sure there aren't a number of products that already offer a solution to their problem. If your market already has a variety of products or services to pick and choose from, what makes you think they'll want to buy yours? You have to be able to offer your market something they can't get anywhere else.
Make sure your product DOES offer a viable solution to their problem. Try giving a small number of new products away -- for free -- to a small group of people and ask them for feedback to make sure they like your product, and feel it does a good job of solving their problem.
Once you've found a viable market, you'll be better able to come up with a product or service that will satisfy their needs. You'll also be able to hit the ground running using any of the reliable ways to make money online -- and guarantee your success from the start!
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Free Tips On Making Money Online
Free Tips On Making Money Online
Learn these free tips on making money onlinewith Google AdSense
Looking for free tips on making money online?
Well, one way to make money from your web site is to allow other businesses to advertise on it. And the easiest way to do that is with Google AdSense.
Google's AdSense program is a business service that allows you to make money by displaying targeted text ads on your website. The ads are paid for by Google AdWords advertisers who want to attract new customers with pay-per-click advertising.
Here's how the Google AdSense program works:
You become an AdSense "publisher" when you sign up for an AdSense account with Google. Every time one of your visitors clicks on one of the text ads displayed on your site, you earn money.
The text ads are small and unobtrusive. And because the ads are "contextual" (or related in some way to your site content), they can actually add value to your customers. Google also allows you to block certain ads or content that might compete with your own.
One warning, however. As easy as it is to make money with Google AdSense, there are potential drawbacks. If you sell products and services on your website, for example, you can end up hurting your own sales by diverting traffic AWAY from your website!
That said, there ARE ways to maximize your revenue with AdSense. Here are five proven tips on making money online with Google AdSense:
Attract lots of targeted traffic to your site: The more people who see your ads, the more ad clicks you are likely to get. And the more your site content relates to this traffic, the more likely your visitors are to be interested in related ads.
Target high-paying ads: Ads that promote desirable, big-ticket items (like electronics or holidays) will most likely pay more because they have higher bid prices on keywords.
Maintain good, keyword-rich content: If you have keyword-rich content, the ads that show up will also be highly targeted, and therefore more likely to be relevant to your visitors.
Format and position your ads for profit: Putting the ads in the correct place on your web site, and in a format that will draw the eyes of visitors will contribute to better click-through rates.
Constantly track and test: Tracking and testing your ads allows you to find out which format and placement of ads have the highest click-through rates. This is also critical to making sure that AdSense is NOT negatively affecting your sales.
By following the above tips on making money online with Google AdSense, you can easily add another stream of revenue to your business. You can also get additional free tips on making money online from Google.
If you'd like to learn about more ways you can maximize your Google AdSense profits -- and get TONS of other free tips on making money online -- check out our online archive of free newsletters.
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Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online
Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online
Why email is still one of the best legitimate ways to make money online
There are illegal and there are legal ways to make money online. Spam -- unsolicited email -- is one of the illegal methods, but don't let people tell you that spam has killed email as a communications tool.
Spam may have reduced the effectiveness of email, but, if you follow some recognized guidelines, email is still one of the best legitimate ways to make money online.
Email marketing is also one of the most reliable ways to make money online.
Here's why:
Email is cost-effective: With no postage or print costs, email is one of the cheapest ways to communicate with your target market.
Email is easy: Using software or online services, you can send an email to thousands of people on your list.
Email is targeted: Thanks to the powerful personalization features available through email marketing, you can personalize your emails so it sounds like you're writing directly to each and every recipient.
Email is popular: Yes, despite spam, people still check their email inboxes every day. Email has become part of modern life for many, many people, because it's so cheap and easy for them to use. So, despite the problems with spam, it's not likely to go away soon.
So, there you go. Five reasons why email is still not only one of the best legitimate reasons to make money online, but one of the most reliable ways to make money online.
Thanks to the Can-Spam Act, senders of illegal spam email can be fined and even jailed, but email is still one of the best legal ways to make money online if you follow the requirements set out in the Can-Spam Act, including:
Keep records of how and when people are added to your list.
Track requests to opt out, and remove people who opt out of your list immediately.
Post your privacy policy on your web site and opt-in form, and abide by it.
Investigate third-party service providers before signing any contracts for email services.
Be careful when using rental lists.
Use a real return email address with enough storage space to receive your bounce backs and opt-outs.
Provide easy instructions on how to unsubscribe from your list.
Provide a valid physical postal address of the sender.
Use a consistent "from" address.
Use an authentic, non-misleading subject line.
The best way to keep yourself informed about the latest developments in spam laws is to visit www.spamlaws.com. It's a great resource site for finding out what's going on with both state and federal laws, as well as the anti-spamming laws of other countries.
By making your emails compliant with the spam laws, you will help ensure email marketing remains one of the best legitimate ways to make money online.
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Free Ways To Make Money Online
Free Ways To Make Money Online
Why blogging is one of the best free waysto make money online
Everyone likes something for nothing. And, more than any other medium, the Internet offers unrivalled opportunities to earn some extra cash, or even generate a full-time income -- with very little, or even no, start-up capital.
In fact, you'd be amazed how many people are looking for...
Free ways to make money online
Free information on how to make money online from home
Maybe you even found this article by searching online for one of these very phrases!
So what are all these free ways to make money online?
One way is through a blog -- a frequently updated website containing news, links, and the thoughts of the authors. Blogs are massively popular. At the last count, blog directory Technorati.com was tracking more than 50 million of them!
And one of the reasons for the popularity of blogs is that they can generate an income for the owner -- making blogs one of the best free ways to make money online.
You can start a free blog at www.blogger.com or www.wordpress.com, and there are three proven ways to make money with a blog:
Sign up (for free of course!) to be a Google AdSense publisher: Google AdSense allows you to display text ads on blogs. The ads are related to the blog content. So, if you write an article about dogs, you might see ads for companies selling dog toys, books about dogs, and so on.You make money every time someone clicks on an ad on your blog. It's not a lot -- only a few cents per click -- but it can mount up if you target your content to attract higher-value ads. For example, you could write about hot products like home electronics.
Join affiliate programs: You can also promote another company's products on your blog by joining their affiliate program. This time, instead of being paid for every click on an ad, you get paid when someone who clicks through from your site actually makes a purchase. When that happens, you earn a sales commission.And the returns can be far higher than AdSense -- even as much as 100% commission!
Ask for donations: If you're an especially good writer, and your blog builds up a loyal readership, you can ask your readers for donations to help keep the blog going. Paypal allows you to accept donations through a "Donate" button on your blog.
So, if making money online is as easy as this, why doesn't everyone profit from all these free ways to make money online?
It's because it's not enough to just read all of the free information on how to make money online from home that you can find in articles like this and sites like www.marketingtips.com. You also have to do the work to make it happen, and learn as much about Internet marketing as you can.
Only then will you be able to benefit from the various free ways to make money online like starting a revenue-generating blog.
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Make Money Online From Home
Make Money Online From Home
How to make money online from home with a profitable Internet business
So you want to make money online from home? You're not alone! "How to make money online from home?" is a question many people would like to know the answer to.
This isn't surprising when you consider the reasons why so many people want to make money online from home...
You can manage your own schedule
There's no boss looking over your shoulder
You can create your own ideal working environment
You don't need to spend hours every week just getting to and from work
In short, working from home makes you the master of your own domain... the king of your own castle. Just imagine it: no long commute... no cranky co-workers... no meddling boss... no dreary meetings. You can even work in your pajamas if you want!
It's this need for more freedom in their daily life that drives many people to start their own home-based business.
And one of the best home-based business options available is starting up your own successful Internet business. The reasons are clear...
Low start-up costs and overheads: It's possible to get an online business up and running for less than $500.
You can automate your business so it runs itself: For more on automation, go to www.marketingtips.com/newsletters.
Your website is your 24/7 salesperson: With no staff needed to keep the business running and process sales, your overheads are kept low and your profits high.
However, exactly how to make money online from home is the big question.
Tips on making money online from home
Here are some tips on making money from home that are proven to work...
Find the online business model that's right for YOU: This could be selling other companies' products through an affiliate program, promoting your services, or creating your own eBook. Whatever method you choose for making money online, it has to be right for you.
Find a profitable market: The best market for an online business is a niche market -- a group of people who are searching the Web for a solution to a problem and not finding many relevant search results. Find your market first, then look for a product to sell to them!
Follow your passions: The first place you look for a business idea is your own passions and interests. That's because you'll find it easier to present yourself as an expert to your potential customers , and you'll be a lot more willing to work hard and get your business off the ground.
An Internet business is, without doubt, one of the best ways to make money online from home.
And a fully-automated website -- requiring only a few hours' time spent on it every week -- means you have time to come up with even more ways to make money online at home.
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Opportunities To Make Money Online
Opportunities To Make Money Online
The top 5 opportunities to make money online...when you have nothing to sell!
There are tons of opportunities to make money online, but what are the BEST opportunities to make money online?
Specifically, what are the best opportunities to make money online... when you don't have anything to sell?
It might surprise you to hear that not having a product of your own to sell needn't hold you back from taking advantage of the online marketplace.
In fact, you may actually have a lot to sell -- you just don't know it yet!
So here are the top 5 opportunities to make money online... even when you have nothing to sell:
Sell an eBook: An eBook is an information product that people purchase and then download online, meaning there are no shipping costs and they receive their purchase immediately.But eBooks aren't just great for consumers -- they are THE most profitable of all the opportunities to make money online for sellers, too. That's because, once you've written your eBook -- ideally on a topic you know about and know there's a demand for -- there are no more costs to eat into your profits.No print costs. No storage costs. No shipping costs.Simply put, eBooks = 100% profit!And because most Web users search for information online, there will always be a demand for well-targeted information products.
Promote other people's products: Another of the best opportunities to make money online is to promote other people's products, or "affiliate" products.An affiliate program allows you to promote another company's products on your website -- in return for a sales commission.You can find affiliate programs to join at websites like www.AffiliateGuide.com and www.AssociatePrograms.com.
Place advertising on your website: You can also make money online by signing up to be a publisher for a contextual advertising program like Google Adsense.After you become an Adsense publisher, ads related to keywords in the content of your site will show up on your Web pages. This strategy is especially suitable for high-traffic, content-rich websites and blogs.
Sell a service: You may not have a product to sell, but do you have a service to sell? Are you an accountant, a writer, a dance instructor... ?You can promote and sell any practically service online, and you can even create tailored services to sell as if they were products. For example, if you're a writer you could offer a résumé-writing service on your website for a set fee.
Sell your "junk": The last, but not least, of the top 5 best opportunities to make money online is to sell stuff you don't want anymore.Websites like www.Craigslist.com (a classified ad website) or www.eBay.com(an auction website) allow you to sell anything and everything. You might not want that bright yellow coffee table you inherited, but someone else might!
So, if you think you have nothing to sell, look around -- there are opportunities to make money online everywhere!
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Make Money Online
Make Money Online
Before you start an online business: Five ways to make money online
BEFORE you start an online business, take some time to look at the following tips to making money online and decide which business model is right for you.
After talking with hundreds of website owners and analyzing thousands of websites, we've discovered that there are five basic ways to make money online.
How To Make Money Online
Sell productsThis option gives you total control over your business. You make products or buy them wholesale, set the price, make the sale, rake in the money — all with no one telling you what to do. Things to consider: Find out if there's a demand for the product. Plan how you'll make the product or stock your inventory. Consider shipping costs — will they add too much to the cost of your product?Good market research at the beginning reaps big rewards later.
Sell a serviceWhen you sell a service over the Internet, you're in control, you can specify the terms of any sale, and you're offering something that no one else can: namely, YOU.Things to consider: You only have so many hours to spend. That limits how much money you can make. Try to develop some related products that will "sell while you sleep."If your service is restricted to a local market, get your site included in all your area's online business directories, and exchange links with related local businesses.
Sell an information productFor pure profitability, NOTHING beats an info product! Because you deliver them in digital formats via email, shipping is instantaneous and free. And there's no limit to how much you can sell!Things to consider: You have to create the content first, and it has to be quality stuff. But YOU don't necessarily have to create it. There are thousands of freelancers out there who can do your writing, research, or layout. Pay them a one-off fee, then you can sell your product as many times as you like!You could also buy ready-to-sell info products — reprint rights to proven sellers are occasionally available to buy, and often come with a well-known name attached to make your selling job easier.
Become an affiliateAs an affiliate you promote other people's products and services on your website, and send potential customers their way. Whenever that lead makes a purchase, you get paid.This business model is easy to set up right out of the gate. You have no cost outlay and good profit potential. And businesses with successful affiliate programs even supply their affiliates with images, salescopy, and everything they need to generate sales.Things to consider: Margins can be slim and there's also a lot of competition. Do your research and find affiliate programs for products that offer a good commission and have good conversion rates without oversaturating the market.
Drop ship"Drop shipping" is collecting orders and payments for products, then passing those orders on to the supplier to send out to the customer.The customer pays you, you pay the supplier, and you pocket the difference. In this business model, you can make decent profits, you don't have to deal with inventory and shipping yourself, and you can use your customer contact information for email marketing.Things to consider: You have less control over the price, and NO control over product delivery or customer service. As with affiliates, choose your business partners with care!
Oh, and if you thought multi-level marketing would be on this list... sorry!To be blunt, we don't recommend this option. In our experience, very few people actually make money online this way, and most end up losing money (and annoying their friends and family) despite their best intentions.
For more tips to making money online, visit our FREE online archive of articles packed full of useful tips, advanced strategies, and the most powerful tools you can use to jump start any e-business.
Once you have the knowledge, you have the power to make money online, so it's up to you! Good luck!
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Ways to Make Money Online Selling
Ways to Make Money Online Selling Information
Discover ways to make money online selling information -- even if you don't have your own product!
If you're looking for ways to make money online selling information -- but don't have the time or money to develop your own product -- consider buying the reprint or resale rights to someone else's.
Basically, you purchase the right to sell an already established product. And depending on the type of rights you purchase, you keep either a percentage of the sales or all of the proceeds.
In the best-case scenario, you can even purchase a master license -- which gives you the right to sell the purchasing rights to other people!
Selling information to make money online is extremely easy when you buy the rights for an already established product. Not only do you capitalize on the good name of the author, but you don't have to spend any time developing your own product!
Let's take a look at the three types of rights you can buy to make money online with information:
Resell rights. When you purchase resell rights, what you're actually purchasing is the right to sell a product for someone else -- a product that they continue to own. Because you don't actually have control over the product, you keep only a percentage of each sale as your commission.
Reprint rights. Reprint rights cost more than resell rights, because you keep 100% of the proceeds from any sales! You can also make as many copies of the product as you wish, and sell as many as you can.
Master rights. Master rights are the most valuable of the three, and therefore are the most expensive. As with reprint rights, you have permission to reproduce and sell the product for 100% of the profit. But you're ALSO allowed to sell the actual reprint rights to the product to other people! So even though they cost more, you automatically start out with two separate streams of income — sales of the product and sales of the rights.
The majority of products that carry rights on the Internet right now are information-based products. So it's the perfect time to make money online with information by buying reprint rights.
Here are just some of the ways to make money online selling information products:
eBooks. eBooks are the most popular, so you can usually find eBooks that are suitable to resell to your market -- no matter who your audience is.
Email courses. An email course is often delivered in smaller pieces over a course of days or weeks -- and as the name suggests, you email it to the customer, rather than sending them to a website where they download it.
E-zine articles. You can frequently buy individual articles to use as content for your own e-zine. This is a good choice if you want to deliver an e-zine to your audience, but don't have the time (or desire) to write it yourself.
As you can see, selling information to make money online is quick and easy when you purchase the rights to sell an established product.
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Monday, 7 April 2008
7. Subscription websites
7. Subscription websites
Finally we come to what I believe is an under-developed opportunity to make money online ... subscription websites!
Subscription websites, often referred to as membership sites, are becoming increasingly popular with people willing to pay a regular subscription to access information that is difficult to find elsewhere. Other types of site that often use the subscription model are sites that provide a specialised service, or make available a library of useful content. Internet dating sites and image libraries are two prime examples.
Anyone who can provide a unique service or specialised information in a niche market could set up a subscription website. By signing up new members on an annual or monthly payment plan, you could soon build up a sizeable income. For example, let’s say you’re a bit of an expert on how to make money from property development. You could set up a site that gives free information on this subject, but only allows paying members access to your private membership site. This would be a secure area which can only be entered using a username and a password. It would contain those ‘closely guarded secrets’ that only your expert knowledge and experience can reveal. Only subscribers would then have access to the most effective methods and shortcuts on how to succeed in the lucrative property development business.
This is just for illustrative purposes of course. But anyone who has a passion and expert knowledge of a hobby or business could set up their own subscription website, providing they know how to go about it. Fortunately there are some very good resources and examples of how to start and run a subscription site.
One of the best sources of information is Membership Site Advisor which offers membership site management tools. Subscribing to their service will give you access to the information and tools you need to set your site up.
Also take a look at Bill Myers Online. Bill has produced an all-in-one solution that enables a company or any individual to set up their own membership site online. It’s called ‘Membergate’ and is an excellent product.
Bill made a fortune from his skill as a product developer. His website is a superb resource for anyone interested in product development. Whether it’s a simple ebook or professional DVD production, there’s a ton of information here that can help you succeed with producing and marketing your own products.
The most important ingredient of course is to have a target market. If there isn’t enough people out there who will be interested in what you have to offer, then you’re unlikely to succeed in your venture. It’s important to do some research first to find out if there will be a demand. One way to do this is to use Overture’s search term tool. Overture provides information on how many searches were done on a specific keyword or phrase. For example, at the time of writing I did a search for ‘dog breeding’ and there were 16,943 related searches carried out during the previous month. However, ‘dog breeding’ is a fairly generic term, so if you specialised in breeding boxer dogs then the results would be much lower but highly targeted towards a niche market.
So let’s assume there’s enough demand and little competition in your chosen category, after setting up your site, the next step would be to attract subscribers. To do this you would need to generate a lot of good quality traffic to your site. By good quality I mean carefully targeted traffic which consists mainly of visitors who are definitely interested in what you have to offer. Not everyone will sign up of course, but the more focused your advertising campaign is, the more likely you are to receive good quality traffic.
Using some of the methods oulined above will produce good results. PPC (pay per click) advertising on Google and Overture for example.Viral marketing using free giveaway ebooks that offer useful information and a good introduction the benefits of subscribing to your site.E-zines and newsletters that promote your service. Either produce your own or choose existing publications that are suitable to advertise in. Affiliate programs. Find affiliates who are eager to promote your membership subscriptions on a commission basis. And of course, let’s not forget to mention search engine optimisation which is essential if you want your site to rank highly in the search engines.(See resources list below for more information)
Once set up and running, in order to maintain and increase subscriptions, it’s important to continue to provide a first class service. If you don’t give your members a good reason to return to your site regularly then your venture will fail. Always provide a high quality service and good content. Information and services that people can use to their benefit will ensure that they continue their membership, and hopefully recommend you to their friends. In conclusion
I have given you some insight into the methods which I consider to be the seven best ways to make money online. There are other ways of course, but these are the ones that I would recommend to anyone looking for new ways to boost their income with their online business, or for newbies just starting out.
Ok, I hear you say. It’s all very well having your own website and knowing which methods work best to make money online, but how do I get people to visit my site?
That’s a good point! If you can’t reach a big enough audience, or target the people who are actively seeking the products or service you’re trying to promote, then you’re hardly going to succeed. But the fact is there’s an endless source of free information online which explains how to get visitors to your website. From how to achieve a high search engine ranking to the simple technique of getting link exchanges, there are many ways to choose from.One way to get more visitors to your site if you’re starting out on a shoestring budget is to join some of the better startpage programs which send free hits to your website when you open your browser a set number of times (usually 1 hit for every 2 times you open your browser). By joining a select few of these programs and recommending others to do the same, you can soon begin generating extra hits to your site. One of the programs I can recommend is Trafficswarm.
If you’re serious about making money online then the methods outlined above are the ones that are most likely to succeed. And there’s nothing to stop you implementing all seven of these methods to create multiple streams of income. Forget about ‘paid to read emails’ and the like, either set up your own website or e-zine and promote it vigorously, applying the methods described above. Or put the same effort into promoting SFI or selling a niche market product on eBay
Then, if you try hard enough, you will succeed at making money online!
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6 - Selling stuff on eBay
6 - Selling stuff on eBay
Selling stuff on eBay is easy. Most of us have heard reports about how some individuals and businesses are making massive incomes from selling on eBay. But like any other business there’s no magic formula to instant success. You need to learn the ropes first. Start small and work your way up.
Sole traders and big companies are using eBay as a way increase their sales. But it’s not a guaranteed way to make money online. There are charges to consider before calculating the profits you might expect from selling through their auction pages. If you’re new to the concept of selling on eBay I suggest you read their guidelines thoroughly. Make a note of their listing and selling fees and consider all other costs you might encounter regarding postage, packing and the use of payment processing services such as Pay Pal.
If you’re not registered with eBay you will need to register first before you can start to buy or sell. Click here to go and register now.
Try testing response rates by putting a small, select number of items up for auction first. Choose products that allow you to realise a good profit margin. After eBay’s listing and selling fees, plus delivery and payment processing charges are taken into consideration, there should still be room for making a profit. At the same time, choose products that you can afford to make a small loss on if necessary. After all, if they don’t sell you will still need to pay the listing fee. You could even lose money on the sale if you don’t follow some simple rules to minimise losses.
Whole books have been written about how to trade successfully on eBay. One of the most popular ebooks available online is written byJim Cockrum, the author of ‘The silent sales machine hiding on ebay’ His experience and techniques have helped many people to make money using the most popular auction site online. Another good source of advice is Ken Evoy’s Make Your Net Auction Sell. With the information provided by these two bestselling authors, and by getting some basic experience of trading on eBay, you will soon learn to see the possibilities of making money from online auctions.
Once you become proficient at selling on eBay you might consider approaching companies and manufacturers who are willing to provide you with supplies of their products for you to sell on their behalf. Providing you can negotiate a suitable selling fee with room for a good profit margin, then finding a niche product that proves to be popular can lead you to a goldmine.
Some ebayers are turning over tens of thousands of dollars in revenue every month! Some have even closed down their offline trading premises to trade solely on eBay. Such is the success of the eBay phenomenon.
The most successful merchants on eBay are known as ‘power sellers’ Next time you visit eBay look out for the power sellers and take notice of how they run their business. Take particular note of how they promote their products using powerful descriptive headlines and text, as well as high quality images that showcase their products to the best advantage. Their excellent after sales service and customer relations help them achieve a top feedback rating which builds trust among new and old customers alike, who are happy to deal with them again and again. Emulate their success by following the same techniques and principles they employ to make big sales!
For a more detailed article about selling stuff on eBay click here.
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5 - E-commerce website
5 - E-commerce website
Many people assume that the best way to make money online is to set up a shop selling products direct from a website. While this is true for the majority of well established online businesses, it can be a costly and daunting proposition for newcomers who want to set up a business online for the very first time. If you have products you want to sell on the net but want to test the waters first before making a major commitment you should consider Pay Pal as your online payment payment processing system. It’s free to join, very simple to set up and you can use it to configure your own shopping cart to fit in with the design of your site. Whether you have a range of products or single items to sell, Pay Pal is a quick and easy way to start selling products online.
An alternative to using Pay Pal is to use an all-in-one solution such as Atomic Shops which allows any type of business to set up a fully functioning website in minutes, whether you simply want to promote your business or sell goods online.
If you already have your site built and are seeking a good web hosting service, consider using MidPhase Hosting who offer fast, reliable web hosting and for a small monthly fee can provide everything you need to set up your own e-commerce website. Alternatively, the host4profit web hosting service is well worth considering because host4profit also gives you access to a wealth of marketing information from some of the leading marketers on the internet.
If you don’t have products to sell but still like the idea of having your own e-commerce website you can sign up with SFI and promote your own online store complete with a whole range of items to sell in various categories. SFI is an easy solution to starting your own online business. But like all the other methods described here, it requires good marketing skills to get visitors flocking to your store. Without targeted visitors you won’t make a penny! SFI is free to join and is ideal for anyone wishing to start up an online business with a zero budget.
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4 - Newsletters and e-zines
4 - Newsletters and e-zines
Newsletters and electronic magazines (e-zines) are a great way to build up a customer base and a trusting relationship with people prepared to deal with you on a regular basis. This is the cornerstone of most successful businesses whether established online or offline.
Having a list of subscribers that you can regularly mail to puts you in the perfect position to bring related products or services to your customers attention. Whether you provide your own saleable products, electronic information or otherwise, or join partners as an affiliate and promote other merchants goods, the process of churning out a regular newsletter can seem suddenly more inviting.
Starting a newsletter or e-zine is also a good way to learn and improve your marketing skills. Public relations, effective advertising, producing useful information that people are actively seeking out, and building a subscriber list through opt-in subscription methods, are all essential skills required for making money online. Some successful e-zines are even produced and distributed without the need for a website. Building up a strong subscriber list can be achieved simply by advertising in the right places. An effective advert and a simple link to your mailing list subscription manager may be all that you need. Check out the ‘ListApp’ service at Server.com for more details about how to start your and run your own mailing list.
If you need inspiration to think up ideas or learn how other e-zines are proving to be popular, take a look at the two e-zine directories Ezine-universe and Ezine Search where the choice of subject matter is huge. If you see an opening for an untapped market then you could be on to a winner. Start building your subscriber list now! If you can reach thousands of people interested in a topic of information or a service that you can provide, then you could turn this to your advantage and make sales. Not only that, once your subscriber list has reached 5,000 or more you could easily make more money by including paid for advertising.
Getting people to subscribe to your newsletter or e-zine isn’t that difficult. All you need to do to get people to sign up is to entice them with a free offer for something you know they can’t resist. For example, a free e-book, or free software. Providing they perceive the offer as being valuable and able to save them money, you can’t fail to get a steady stream of new subscribers.
Fact: It’s a lot easier to make follow-up sales to existing customers who you have a good relationship with, than trying to sell to someone who has never dealt with you before. So build up trust by providing new subscribers with a first class service and you are far more likely to succeed in your new venture.
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3 - Info products
Digital products are ideal for selling on the net because they cost next to nothing to produce and are easily duplicated with no overheads such as printing and packaging costs. Some of the highest paying affiliate commissions are available from promoting ebooks, marketing courses and software products. This is because of the high mark-up profits which are possible, allowing resellers and promoters to make between 25% - 50% commission on each sale.
A whole range of downloadable products can be found at ClickBank including some of the best information products available online.If you want to seek out and promote products with exceptional profit margins, Clickbank is the place to visit.
Of course the big money is made by the originators of these products. Imagine creating an ebook and having hundreds, possibly even thousands of affiliates signing up to sell your book? It’s not so difficult as it sounds. If you sign up with ClickBank to sell your digital product through their marketing program, you also have the advantage of having thousands of potential affiliates ready to promote your product on their websites using simple tracking links that Clickbank provides. As long as your product is of a high standard and has little competition, you are likely to get plenty of interest. Affiliates are usually generously rewarded with high commissions ranging betwen 25% to 50% but because you’re selling a digital product your overheads are practically zero.
The article ’ebook writing’ by Miguel Alvarez will give you a brief introduction to writing your own ebook. For a more comprehensive writing guide I recommend you read Ken Evoy’s ’Make Your Knowledge Sell‘ Ken provides first class information on how to produce and sell your own information products as well as how to become proficient in pre-selling products you choose to promote.
Ebooks are not the only option though. Have you ever considered designing your own software?
Too complicated! I hear you say? Don’t know anything about programming?
Well actually you don’t need too. It’s now possible to create simple programs that you can sell, or use as a promotional giveaway.MYOS (Make Your Own Software) is a piece of software that allows you to use your creativity to develop simple, but exclusive digital products of your own. It’s the perfect tool to boost your sales or mailing list. Click here to find out more about it’s features and benefits.
Talking of mailing lists..... that brings us to our next money making method....
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2 - Google Ads
An alternative to joining and promoting a merchant’s affiliate program is to incorporate Google AdSense advertising on your website.
Here is an example:
Consider this... Google is one of the most successful companies online, in a similar league to Yahoo! and MSN. Next time you use Google and type in a search term take a look at the column down the right side of the page when the search results show up.
What you'll see is a selection of small text ads which are related to your search query. These are what is known as PPC (pay per click) advertisements. In other words, whoever has placed the advertisement with Google has done so on the basis that every time their advert is clicked on, the advertiser pays a small sum to Google. So the advertiser gets good quality targeted traffic to their site, Google makes some extra cash, and everybody is happy. But it doesn’t stop there, because Google, in their almighty wisdom, allows you to put these ads on your website too, and they’re willing to pay you a percentage of their commission. It’s a win win situation. What makes this so brilliant is that the ads that you display on your website will be mostly related to the content you provide, and statistics show that visitors are much more likely to click on these ads than banners. All you need do to get started is apply to Google first, and once accepted they will provide the code which generates the ads to appear on your site.
Notice I said that your site needs to be accepted first. That’s because Google has a few rules that need to be adhered to in order for your site to be accepted. This is neccessary to keep their advertisers happy and raise the standards of good search results.
To read their guidelines to what is acceptable and what isn’t click hereThere are many individuals and companies who are also making very good money from actually paying for these ads to be shown. Affiliates for example. We’ve learnt how affiliate programs work and how displaying Google ads on your site can also make you extra money, but what if you don’t have a website? Is it possible to still be an affiliate and make money from an affiliate program?
Absolutely! By utilising the PPC (pay per click) opportunity that Google and similar PPC search engines provide, even someone without a website can join an affiliate program and promote a merchant’s products or service using their own affiliate links. Providing you follow Google’s editorial guidelines and any terms and conditions as stated by the merchant that relate to the use of PPC advertising to promote their products, there shouldn’t be any problems.
Unlike the time and effort involved in planning, designing, building and hosting a website, setting up an account with Google and making money from Google AdWords is quick and simple. Providing, of course, you research your market correctly and apply some easy to learn marketing knowledge first to ensure good results,
Chris Carpenter has made an excellent income using these techniques and has written a book entitled Google Cash which is recommended reading for any affiliates wishing to embark on this money making system.
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The 7 best ways to make money online
The following methods of making money online are not listed in order of preference or earning power. They are simply a brief introduction to the most popular and efficient ways to generate a part-time, or even a full-time income using your PC working at home, or anywhere else you may have access to the internet. For some a website is essential, for others you don’t need one.
I suggest you bookmark this page for future reference.
1 - Affiliate programs
If you have a website, and you want to make money from it you should consider joining an affiliate program. If you don’t have a website but are willing to learn how to build one be sure to read the simple guide to ‘Designing and Building a Website’
Becoming an affiliate means you can make money by advertising and promoting the products of other merchants from your website. This is generally done by placing banners and text links on your site. When a visitor clicks on a merchant’s banner or text link they arrive at the merchant’s website whereupon the visitor may make a purchase from which you will earn a commission. The results of promoting someone else’s products however, can vary enormously. Simply putting up a banner or a text link on your website is unlikely to generate much commission, unless you receive many thousands of daily visitors. But if you’re willing to learn a few simple marketing techniques, such as pre-selling through recommendations, even with a small website you could soon start building up a useful income.
You can apply what you learn from affiliate marketing to sell almost anything you can think of. But ideally your first priority should be to sign up with merchants that sell products your website visitors are interested in. For example, if you wanted to advertise pet food on a ‘Tips for breeding dogs’ website then you’re much more likely to generate a sale and earn a commission than you would if you placed the advert on a site for ‘How to build a PC’ because most of your visitors simply wouldn’t be interested in pet food. So always look for products and services that are compatible with the content of your site.
You may be surprised at the range of products and services available from merchants who require website publishers to promote their stuff. To get some idea I suggest you take a peek at one of the best affiliate network directories on the net Commission junction. It’s free to join and there is no charge to link up with any of the merchants listed. Everything is simple and straightforward. You get quick access to the html code for all the banners and text links you need as well as daily statistics of how many sales you make and which advertisements are working well and which ones aren’t. All you need to get started is some basic knowledge of how to cut and paste the linking code into your web pages. This is the code that has your affiliate identification embedded into it to accurately track all sales.
Promoting other peoples’ products through an affiliate program is a useful way to generate income using your website. You don’t need to hold any stock or have the responsibility to fulfill the order or take payment. You simply get paid for introducing the buyer to the seller and when a sale is made your obligation ends there.
There are a number of ebooks and articles available online that can help you learn more about affiliate marketing. My advice is to seek out the people who are already making substantial incomes from promoting affiliate programs and learn from them. People like Rosalind Gardner for example, whose monthly turnover is in excess of $20.000 per month, simply from promoting affiliate programs using simple methods that anyone can learn and put into practice. Rosalind has written an ebook entitled The Super Affiliate Handbook which reveals her successful techniques to creating a super affiliate income.
Another proponent of affiliate marketing is James Martell who makes tens of thousands of dollars a month promoting other peoples products and services. He also has a very good course in affiliate marketing which is packed with information and knowledge that have taken him years to aquire. You can read more about his affiliate marketing course by clicking here.
The Internet Marketing Center also has some excellent advice for everyone new to affiliate marketing. You can sign up for their excellent affiliate program and gain access to their affiliate training and resource center for free. As experts in the field of internet marketing their products are second to none. The brilliant internet marketing course which can be found at the Internet Marketing Center is packed with everything you need to know about internet marketing and is widely regarded as the best available.
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5. Income from a Google Search Bar
5. Income from a Google Search Bar This feature will allow you to add a Google Search Box to your own website. So, this means that visitors to your web page can search for information contained within your website. Also, it will allow people to search across the world wide web, to look for information contained in other sites. And what's more, when your searchbar is used, the search engine returns Google AdSense Advertising in the results page. It's fully automatic and the advertisements are directly related to the search query. Now here's the good bit! When people click your Search Ads (these are the sponsored ads), you are paid money. It's a pay per click scheme, or PPC as it's known, so you can make money as people use your search bar. For example, if a search is performed for 'hotels on the moon', this means that the 'Ads by Goooooogle' in the search results will also be about hotels on the moon. Don't worry if you are not using search technology directly within your site. Once again, it's all taken care of. For example, it will work perfectly well on a simple HTML site. You can download the Google Search Bar (as illustrated below) through the Google AdSense programme. Search this Website:
Making Money OnlineHow to Embed Video ~#~ YouTube Video Download ~#~ Download Free RealPlayer ~#~ Compare UK Camera Prices ~#~ YouTube Ad Money ~#~ Post a Free Ad ~#~ Banner Advertising Service ~#~ Make Money with Google ~#~ How to add Code ~#~ How to Download YouTube Videos ~#~ How to Watermark Video Start and Build Are you ready to show your customers what you can do? The possibilities are simply amazing and it's great fun. Join us today and get started by building a website right now! Make a start and build your new online income stream on the internet.
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4. Generate Cash from Video Advertising Clicks
4. Generate Cash from Video Advertising Clicks What could be better than this? We are talking about an opportunity for you to spice-up your website with full-motion video and make money at the same time! The internet world is going absolutely crazy about online video and now you can be part of it. We have outlined 2 options here, namely YouTube and Revver.
YouTubeThe key idea here is very simple and effective. You choose the type of videos (video content) you would like to present on your website and then 'Ads by Google' will be played alongside your video clips, to monetize your web pages. It's very neat and just like all AdWords adverts, the theme and content of the advertising shown is directly related to the content of your web page. So, this is a fresh way of adding value to your site, making it more 'sticky' and generating some income at the very same time.
RevverWhen you add a Revver Video Gallery to your website (from Revver.com), you get paid when people click the on-screen advert which appears at the end of each film clip. In fact, with Revver Video, you can earn 20% of the ad revenue by 'Sharing' videos created by other people. In other words, you can think of your online web videos as a new form of advertising. At a glance, it might seem like a bit of fun, and indeed, it is. But there is a serious business dimension to this initiative, so take a look at the listed business videos to see how this idea might apply to your company website. Let's suppose you run a restaurant. So, using your own movie sequences, provide an online guided tour around your restaurant facilities and its private function rooms. We invite you to have a look at the sample below, which shows a restaurant and its outdoor terrace, with a Spanish waiter serving up fresh seafood paella.
Getting started with this idea could not be easier. We provide the online toolkit for you to embed video clips within your web pages and this means that you can easily integrate the playback capability from any of the world's leading free service providers, including:
YouTube (YouTube.com)
Revver (Revver.com)
GoogleVideo (Video.Google.com)
YahooVideo (Video.Search.Yahoo.com)
StupidVideos (StupidVideos.com)
Metacafe (Metacafe.com)
Vimeo (Vimeo.com)
iFilm (iFilm.com)
Break (Break.com)
ClipShack (ClipShack.com)
Sharkle (Sharkle.com)
Clip a Day (ClipaDay.com)
The list goes on and on... In fact, you can add the film clip sequences from any third-party playback provider which offers embed code (embeddable code). But right now, as far as we know, only YouTube and Revver are running money-making initiatives. Are you ready to make a million dollars? Revver has recently announced that it had paid $1 million to video creators and publishers (website owners) over the past year.
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