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Monday 7 April 2008

Advertise on Google with AdWords

Attract more customers
No matter what your budget, you can display your ads on Google and our advertising network. Connect with potential customers at the magic moment they're searching for your products or services, and only pay when people click your ads.

Keywords are what people search for on Google.

Your ad appears beside relevant search results.
You create your ads You create ads and choose keywords, which are words or phrases related to your business. Get keyword ideas
Your ads appear on Google When people search on Google using one of your keywords, your ad may appear next to the search results. Now you are advertising to an audience that is already interested in you.

You attract customers People can simply click on your ad to make a purchase or learn more about you. You don't even need a webpage to get started - Google will help you create one for free. It is as simple as that!